Monday, July 22, 2013

Emotional symptoms of Multi-infarct dementia

Alterations in impulse and enthusiasm are felt symptoms. Mood swings, decreased interest and depressions are common emotional symptoms of Multi-infarct dementia. Patients drawn into their shell and are unattended and show little initiative. Cognitive disorders and mood swings generally occur with a stroke or brain hemorrhage in a temporal relation. The disease process is usually wavy.

Mental performance may show strong fluctuations gradually. Patients sometimes appear to be confused, then returns to the normal so symptoms are often taken for granted. There are also slow types of processes as well as in Binswanger's disease.

It is not possible to predict and make definition about the following process of the disease. At advanced stage of multi-infarct dementia, the process of the disease becomes more similar to other dementia diseases. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cognitive symptoms of Multi-infarct dementia

Profile of cognitive symptoms here vary considerably according to the Alzheimer's type dementia because profile of cognitive symptoms is not at the forefront of the challenges of memory.
Typical Cognitive symptoms of Multi-infarct dementia are as follows:

- Attention and concentration disorders
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- Disorders in goal setting, decision making, planning and control of the activities or problem-solving behavior.
- Problems with verbal fluency

- Orientation challenges

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Neurological symptoms of Multi-infarct dementia

At an early stage of an infarction, focal neurological signs such as partial paralysis, tingling sensations, speech or swallowing disorders occur. Balance and gait disorders, bladder disorder are frequently seen. At the beginning of the disease, epileptic seizures may also occur.

Friday, July 19, 2013

What is vascular dementia?

Expression of vascular dementia is used  for a very heterogeneous group of diseases in which death of brain cells in a clear temporal relationship and dementia syndrome develops. Blood circulation disorders arise because of damaged vessels due to vasoconstriction (vessel shrinkage), inflammation or bleeding.

Important sub-forms of vascular dementia are as follows

Single strategic infarct dementia (post-stroke-dementia):  One stroke, not in the appropriate place of the thalamus as a strategic leads to the destruction of vast areas of the brain.

Multi-infarct dementia: Strokes occurring simultaneously or temporal intervals destroys smaller areas of the brain. Most of the time, they are small or "silent" strokes. However, their effects will be higher and may lead to the destruction of a critical mass of neural tissue.

Binswanger's disease (subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy): Numerous small, often unnoticed deep strokes damages blood vessels of the brain. Typically ones white matter abnormalities and lacunae resulting from the closure of the smaller end of the arteries.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Dementia Treatment

Treatment facilities depend on the disease that cause dementia. Informing patients and their families with practical support and mitigation are the most important components of treatment. Since the late 90s, doctors can write drugs temporarily reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, as well as others.

How much information about the disease of dementia the patient and his/her family, conditions to make decisions for the future is much easier. For example, when mobility aids or tools are needed, it can be a good idea to start early. Full and time-on diagnosis is important as well as all of the diseases.

Some diseases that can cause dementia symptoms can be treated such as metabolism disorder, depression and side effects of diseases. Therefore, based on symptoms to clarify the causes of is always important.